Sub CaseNextChar() ' Paul Beverley - Version 13.05.24 ' Changes case of the next character/selection trackIt = True trackIfSelected = False myShow = ActiveWindow.View.ShowRevisionsAndComments myView = ActiveWindow.View.RevisionsView myTrack = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions ' Don't track case change if TC is OFF If myTrack = False Then trackIt = False ' If an area of text is NOT selected ... If Asc(Selection) = 32 Then Selection.MoveRight , 1 Exit Sub End If If Selection.End = Selection.Start Then If trackIt = False Then _ ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False Set rng = Selection.Range.Duplicate rng.MoveEnd , 1 If UCase(rng) = rng Then myNewChar = LCase(rng) Else myNewChar = UCase(rng) End If rng.InsertAfter Text:=myNewChar rng.Select Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd rng.MoveEnd , -1 rng.Delete Else ' If an area of text is selected ... If trackIfSelected = False Then trackIt = False If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then If Selection.Range.Case = wdLowerCase Then Selection.Range.Case = wdUpperCase Else Selection.Range.Case = wdLowerCase End If Else myText = Selection voteUpper = 0 voteLower = 0 For myCount = 1 To Len(myText) myChar = Asc(Mid(myText, myCount, 1)) If myChar > 96 And myChar < 123 Then voteLower = voteLower + 1 If myChar > 64 And myChar < 91 Then voteUpper = voteUpper + 1 Next myCount myUpper = (voteUpper > voteLower) If voteLower = 0 Then myUpper = False If trackIt = False Then ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False If myUpper = True Then Selection.Range.Case = wdUpperCase Else Set rng = Selection For Each myWd In rng.Words If Len(myWd) > 1 Then myCh1 = Left(myWd, 1) myCh2 = Mid(myWd, 2, 1) If LCase(myCh1) <> myCh1 And UCase(myCh2) <> myCh2 And _ myWd.Start >= rng.Start Then _ myWd.Case = wdLowerCase End If Next myWd End If If Selection = myText Then Selection.Range.Case = wdUpperCase If Selection = myText Then Selection.Range.Case = wdLowerCase Else startWas = Selection.Start If myUpper = True Then myTextNew = UCase(myText) Else myTextNew = LCase(myText) End If If myTextNew = myText Then myTextNew = UCase(myText) If myTextNew = myText Then myTextNew = LCase(myText) wasBold = Selection.Font.Bold wasItalic = Selection.Font.Italic Selection.Delete Selection.TypeText Text:=myTextNew Selection.Start = startWas If wasBold Then Selection.Font.Bold = True If wasItalic Then Selection.Font.Italic = True End If End If End If ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = myTrack ActiveWindow.View.ShowRevisionsAndComments = myShow End Sub