Sub FRedit() ' Paul Beverley - Version 08.08.24 ' Scripted find and replace ' ©2009-2023 Paul Beverley promptForSelectedText = True doFinalBeep = True showTime = True useReverseStrikeFeature = False debugging = False ' debugging = True funnyCode = "Blank" ' used as the code to mean "Leave the Find/Replace box blank" isMacro = "DoMacro" ' Used as the code to mean "Do the following macro" caseCode = ChrW(172) ' The 'bent pipe' character (horizontal line with a bent end) maxLines = 2000 ' the maximum number of F&R lines in your list myScreenOff = True oldColour = Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex CR = vbCr: CR2 = CR & CR Set rng = ActiveDocument.Content justEditStrikeText = False editAll = vbNo If useReverseStrikeFeature = True And _ rng.Font.StrikeThrough = 9999999 Then editAll = MsgBox("Edit all text?", _ vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "FRedit") If editAll = vbCancel Then Exit Sub If editAll = vbNo Then myPrompt = "Edit ONLY strikethrough text (= Yes)" & CR2 myPrompt = myPrompt & "DON'T edit strikethrough text (= No)" & CR2 myPrompt = myPrompt & "Panic! (= Cancel)" myResponse = MsgBox(myPrompt, vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "FRedit") If myResponse = vbCancel Then Exit Sub If myResponse = vbYes Then justEditStrikeText = True End If End If ReDim findText(maxLines) As String, ReplaceText(maxLines) As String ReDim fHlight(maxLines) As Integer, rHlight(maxLines) As Integer ReDim fTxtCol(maxLines) As Long, rTxtCol(maxLines) As Long ReDim fFontSize(maxLines) As Integer, rFontSize(maxLines) As Integer ReDim styleArray(maxLines, 4) As String, funct(maxLines, 18) As Boolean timeStart = Timer For i = 1 To 30 myspaces = myspaces & "> " Next i myBaseStyle = ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal) ' In case there's an error Set thisRng = Selection.Range.Duplicate ' FRedit the selected text only? Set rng = ActiveDocument.Content If Len(Selection) = Len(rng) Then Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory Set rngSel = Selection.Range.Duplicate If Selection.End <> Selection.Start Then If promptForSelectedText = True Then myResponse = MsgBox("Work on selected text only?", _ vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "FRedit") If myResponse = vbCancel Then Exit Sub Else myResponse = vbYes End If wasSelectedText = (myResponse = vbYes) Else wasSelectedText = False End If If debugging = False Then On Error GoTo ReportIt If myScreenOff = True Then Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Assume cursor is in the file to be edited Set workFile = ActiveDocument myTrack = workFile.TrackRevisions ' Find the FRedit list file gottaList = 0 For Each myDoc In Application.Documents DoEvents pNum = myDoc.Paragraphs.Count myNum = 5 If pNum < 5 Then myNum = pNum Set rng = myDoc.Paragraphs(myNum).Range rng.Start = 0 myTest = Replace(LCase(rng), " ", "") If InStr(myTest, ChrW(124) & "fredit") Then gottaList = gottaList + 1 If gottaList = 1 Then myDoc.Activate Set theList = myDoc End If End If Next myDoc myWarning = "Please ensure that your FRedit list starts with: | FRedit" _ & CR & CR2 & "Then place the cursor in the text to be edited, and rerun FRedit." If gottaList = 0 Then Beep myResponse = MsgBox("Can't find a FRedit LIST." & CR2 & _ myWarning, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "FRedit") Exit Sub End If If gottaList > 1 Then Beep myTime = Timer Do Loop Until Timer > myTime + 0.2 Beep myResponse = MsgBox("There are TWO or more FRedit LISTs open!" & CR2 & _ "Is this the list you want to use?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "FRedit") If myResponse <> vbYes Then myResponse = MsgBox("Please close the list(s) you don't want to use," & _ CR & "and then rerun FRedit", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "FRedit") Exit Sub End If End If If workFile = theList Then Beep myResponse = MsgBox("The CURSOR seems to be in the FRedit LIST." & CR2 & _ "Place the cursor in the TEXT TO BE EDITED, and rerun FRedit.", _ vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "FRedit") Exit Sub End If ' Check for rogue manual line breaks in the list Set rng = ActiveDocument.Content mlb = InStr(rng.Text, Chr(11)) If mlb > 0 Then Selection.Start = mlb - 1 Selection.MoveLeft , 1 Selection.End = mlb + 1 Beep MsgBox "Beware: FRedit list contains manual line breaks!" Application.Run macroName:="ShowFormatting" MsgBox "I've turned Show Formatting on, so you can see." Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub End If ' Create the list of F&Rs Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory FRitem = 0 fNotes = False: eNotes = False: Etext = True: BoxText = False ' FRitem is used to count the actual lines that are F&R commands lastLine = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count For i = 1 To lastLine ' Look through the list for things that aren't actual F&Rs Do Do Set rng = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Range StatusBar = myspaces & "Reading line: " & Str(FRitem) DoEvents rng.End = rng.End - 1 allLine = rng i = i + 1 ' Keep going until you find a non-blank line Loop Until Len(allLine) > 0 Or i > lastLine ' Check if it's a comment line, i.e. starting with a pad firstChar = Left(allLine, 1) If firstChar = "|" Then If InStr(allLine, "rack =") > 0 Then ' Check for | Track command Select Case LCase(Right(allLine, 3)) Case " no" If myTrack Then MsgBox "Please switch track changes off!", _ vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "FRedit" workFile.Activate Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub End If Case "yes" If myTrack = False Then MsgBox "Please switch track changes on!", _ vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "FRedit" workFile.Activate Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub End If Case Else myError = 4: GoTo myErrorReport End Select End If If InStr(allLine, "ootnotes =") > 0 Then ' Check for | Footnote command If InStr(LCase(allLine), "yes") > 0 Then fNotes = True Else fNotes = False End If End If If InStr(allLine, "ndnotes =") > 0 Then ' Check for | Endnote command If InStr(LCase(allLine), "yes") > 0 Then eNotes = True Else eNotes = False End If End If If InStr(allLine, "ext =") > 0 Then ' Check for | Text command If InStr(LCase(allLine), "yes") > 0 Then Etext = True Else Etext = False End If End If If InStr(allLine, "box =") > 0 Or InStr(allLine, _ "boxes =") > 0 Then ' Check for | Textboxes command If InStr(LCase(allLine), "yes") > 0 Then BoxText = True Else BoxText = False End If End If End If Loop Until firstChar <> "|" Or i > lastLine i = i - 1 ' If you find hashes, stop looking for F&R lines If Left(allLine, 1) = "#" Then Exit For ' It's an F&R line, so check for highlighting If Len(allLine) > 1 Then lineStart = rng.Start lineEnd = rng.End ' Has it got a vertical bar in it? padPosition = InStr(allLine, "|") ' If not, it's a two-line F&R If padPosition = 0 Then ' We've got two lines fText = rng ' Clip off MatchCase and Wildcard indicators mchWild = False mchCase = True If Left(fText, 1) = caseCode Then fText = Right(fText, Len(fText) - 1) mchCase = False rng.Start = rng.Start + 1 End If If Left(fText, 1) = "~" Then fText = Right(fText, Len(fText) - 1) mchWild = True rng.Start = rng.Start + 1 End If ' What style is the Find in? fStyle = rng.Style If fStyle = myBaseStyle Then fStyle = "" rng.End = lineStart + 1 ' Check format & type colour of first char of Find fItalic = rng.Italic fBold = rng.Bold fSuper = rng.Font.Superscript fSub = rng.Font.Subscript fUline = rng.Underline fSmall = rng.Font.SmallCaps fAllcaps = rng.Font.AllCaps fDstrike = rng.Font.DoubleStrikeThrough fFont = rng.Font.Name fSize = rng.Font.Size fHiColour = rng.HighlightColorIndex fTxtColour = rng.Font.Color i = i + 1 Set rng = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(i).Range rng.End = rng.End - 1 lineEnd = rng.End rText = rng padPosition = InStr(rText, "|") If padPosition > 0 Or Len(rng) = 0 Then myError = 2: GoTo myErrorReport ' What style is the Replace in? rstyle = rng.Style If rstyle = myBaseStyle Then rstyle = "" rng.End = rng.Start + 1 ' Check format & type colour of first char of Replace rItalic = rng.Italic rBold = rng.Bold rSuper = rng.Font.Superscript rSub = rng.Font.Subscript rUline = rng.Underline rSmall = rng.Font.SmallCaps rAllcaps = rng.Font.AllCaps rDstrike = rng.Font.DoubleStrikeThrough rFont = rng.Font.Name rSize = rng.Font.Size rHiColour = rng.HighlightColorIndex rTxtColour = rng.Font.Color Else ' It's all on one line, so no style change ' unless the style is different from Normal ' What style is the Find in? fStyle = "" rstyle = rng.Style If rstyle = myBaseStyle Then rstyle = "" ' Chop up the line into F and R fText = Left(allLine, padPosition - 1) rText = Right(allLine, Len(allLine) - padPosition) ' Clip off MatchCase and Wildcard indicators mchWild = False mchCase = True If Left(fText, 1) = caseCode Then fText = Right(fText, Len(fText) - 1) mchCase = False rng.Start = rng.Start + 1 End If If Left(fText, 1) = "~" Then fText = Right(fText, Len(fText) - 1) mchWild = True rng.Start = rng.Start + 1 End If rng.End = lineStart + 1 ' Check format & type colour of first char of Find If rng.Text = " " Then rng.Start = rng.End rng.End = rng.End + 1 End If fItalic = rng.Italic fBold = rng.Bold fSuper = rng.Font.Superscript fSub = rng.Font.Subscript fUline = rng.Underline fSmall = rng.Font.SmallCaps fAllcaps = rng.Font.AllCaps fDstrike = rng.Font.DoubleStrikeThrough fFont = rng.Font.Name fSize = rng.Font.Size fHiColour = rng.HighlightColorIndex fTxtColour = rng.Font.Color rng.End = lineStart + padPosition + 1 rng.Start = lineStart + padPosition ' Check format & type colour of first char of Replace rItalic = rng.Italic rBold = rng.Bold rSuper = rng.Font.Superscript rSub = rng.Font.Subscript rUline = rng.Underline rSmall = rng.Font.SmallCaps rAllcaps = rng.Font.AllCaps rDstrike = rng.Font.DoubleStrikeThrough rFont = rng.Font.Name rSize = rng.Font.Size rHiColour = rng.HighlightColorIndex rTxtColour = rng.Font.Color trackIt = Not (rng.Font.StrikeThrough) End If FRitem = FRitem + 1 ' Save all the F&R info in arrays findText(FRitem) = fText ReplaceText(FRitem) = rText styleArray(FRitem, 1) = fStyle styleArray(FRitem, 2) = rstyle styleArray(FRitem, 3) = fFont styleArray(FRitem, 4) = rFont fHlight(FRitem) = fHiColour rHlight(FRitem) = rHiColour fTxtCol(FRitem) = fTxtColour rTxtCol(FRitem) = rTxtColour fFontSize(FRitem) = fSize rFontSize(FRitem) = rSize funct(FRitem, 1) = mchWild funct(FRitem, 2) = mchCase funct(FRitem, 3) = fBold funct(FRitem, 4) = rBold funct(FRitem, 5) = fItalic funct(FRitem, 6) = rItalic funct(FRitem, 7) = fSuper funct(FRitem, 8) = rSuper funct(FRitem, 9) = fSub funct(FRitem, 10) = rSub funct(FRitem, 11) = fUline funct(FRitem, 12) = rUline funct(FRitem, 13) = fSmall funct(FRitem, 14) = rSmall funct(FRitem, 15) = fAllcaps funct(FRitem, 16) = rAllcaps funct(FRitem, 17) = trackIt funct(FRitem, 18) = fDstrike ' ^p is not allowed in wildcard searches! If mchWild And InStr(fText, "^" & "p") > 0 Then myError = 5: GoTo myErrorReport End If If InStr(fText, "^" & "{") > 0 Then myError = 95: GoTo myErrorReport End If ' You can't do case insensitive AND wildcard If mchWild And mchCase = False Then myError = 6: GoTo myErrorReport End If End If Next i lastItem = FRitem ' Check the Normal font normalSize = ActiveDocument.Styles(myBaseStyle).Font.Size normalFont = ActiveDocument.Styles(myBaseStyle).Font.Name workFile.Activate ' Remember if TC is on or off trackNow = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions ' Remember current cursor position and move cursor to top, for speed Set thisRng = Selection.Range.Duplicate Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory ' Define the ranges ' Get the data out of the arrays For FRitem = 1 To lastItem fText = findText(FRitem) rText = ReplaceText(FRitem) fStyle = styleArray(FRitem, 1) rstyle = styleArray(FRitem, 2) fFont = styleArray(FRitem, 3) rFont = styleArray(FRitem, 4) fHiColour = fHlight(FRitem) rHiColour = rHlight(FRitem) fSize = fFontSize(FRitem) rSize = rFontSize(FRitem) fTxtColour = fTxtCol(FRitem) rTxtColour = rTxtCol(FRitem) mchWild = funct(FRitem, 1) mchCase = funct(FRitem, 2) fBold = funct(FRitem, 3) rBold = funct(FRitem, 4) fItalic = funct(FRitem, 5) rItalic = funct(FRitem, 6) fSuper = funct(FRitem, 7) rSuper = funct(FRitem, 8) fSub = funct(FRitem, 9) rSub = funct(FRitem, 10) fUline = funct(FRitem, 11) rUline = funct(FRitem, 12) fSmall = funct(FRitem, 13) rSmall = funct(FRitem, 14) fAllcaps = funct(FRitem, 15) rAllcaps = funct(FRitem, 16) trackIt = funct(FRitem, 17) fDstrike = funct(FRitem, 18) If trackNow = True Then ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = trackIt If fText = isMacro Then Application.Run macroName:=rText Else ' funnyCode means fText should be blank If InStr(fText, funnyCode) > 0 Then fText = "" BlankIt = False If InStr(rText, funnyCode) > 0 Then rText = "": BlankIt = True If fText = "" Then fText = "": BlankIt = True fFont = "Symbol" rFont = normalFont End If ' Replace hex code strings with codes codePos = InStr(fText, "<&H") Do While codePos > 0 codeLen = InStr(fText, ">") - codePos uText = Mid(fText, codePos, codeLen) uCode = Val(Right(uText, codeLen - 1)) uChar = ChrW(uCode) fText = Replace(fText, uText & ">", uChar) codePos = InStr(fText, "<&H") Loop codePos = InStr(rText, "<&H") Do While codePos > 0 codeLen = InStr(rText, ">") - codePos uText = Mid(rText, codePos, codeLen) uCode = Val(Right(uText, codeLen - 1)) uChar = ChrW(uCode) rText = Replace(rText, uText & ">", uChar) codePos = InStr(rText, "<&H") Loop For hit = 1 To 4 If hit = 1 Then If Not (fNotes = True And ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Count _ > 0) Then hit = 2 End If If hit = 2 Then If Not (eNotes = True And ActiveDocument.Endnotes.Count _ > 0) Then hit = 3 End If If hit = 3 Then If Etext = False Then hit = 4 End If goes = 1 If hit = 4 Then If BoxText = True Then goes = ActiveDocument.Shapes.Count Else hit = 5 End If End If If hit < 5 Then For myGo = 1 To goes If hit = 1 Then Set rng = _ ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdFootnotesStory) If hit = 2 Then Set rng = _ ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdEndnotesStory) If hit = 3 Then If wasSelectedText Then Set rng = rngSel.Duplicate Else Set rng = ActiveDocument.Content End If End If someText = True If hit = 4 Then Do someText = False If ActiveDocument.Shapes(myGo).Type <> 24 _ And ActiveDocument.Shapes(myGo).Type <> 3 Then someText = ActiveDocument.Shapes(myGo).TextFrame.HasText End If If someText Then Set rng = ActiveDocument.Shapes(myGo).TextFrame.TextRange Else myGo = myGo + 1 End If Loop Until someText Or myGo > goes End If If someText = True Then ' Now do the F&R with the appropriate conditions set Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = rHiColour If (rHiColour <> fHiColour) And (fHiColour <> 0) Then ' But first emboss all text in fHiColour Set rngNow = rng.Duplicate For Each myPar In rngNow.Paragraphs If myPar.Range.HighlightColorIndex > 9999 Then For Each wd In myPar.Range.Words If wd.HighlightColorIndex > 9999 Then For Each ch In wd.Characters If ch.HighlightColorIndex = fHiColour Then ch.Font.Emboss = True End If Next ch Else If wd.HighlightColorIndex = fHiColour Then wd.Font.Emboss = True End If End If Next wd Else If myPar.Range.HighlightColorIndex = fHiColour Then If Len(myPar.Range.Text) > 1 Then myPar.Range.Font.Emboss = True End If End If DoEvents Next myPar End If StatusBar = myspaces & "F&Ring line: " & Str(FRitem) & _ " of " & Str(lastItem) & " > > > " & fText & _ "|" & rText Debug.Print Str(FRitem) & " of " & Str(lastItem) & _ " > " & fText & " | " & rText ' Now do the F&R Set rngNow = rng.Duplicate With rngNow.Find .ClearFormatting .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Format = False If wasSelectedText Then .Wrap = False Else .Wrap = wdFindContinue End If .Text = fText .Replacement.Text = rText .MatchWildcards = mchWild .MatchCase = mchCase DoEvents If fStyle > "" Or rstyle > "" Then If rstyle = "" Then rstyle = myBaseStyle If fStyle > "" Then .Style = fStyle If rstyle > "" Then .Replacement.Style = rstyle Else ' N.B. If changing styles, don't try to ' change bold, italic, etc, etc. If fBold <> rBold Then .Font.Bold = fBold .Replacement.Font.Bold = rBold End If If rBold Then .Replacement.Font.Bold = True If fItalic <> rItalic Then .Font.Italic = fItalic .Replacement.Font.Italic = rItalic End If If rItalic Then .Replacement.Font.Italic = True If fSuper <> rSuper Then .Font.Superscript = fSuper .Replacement.Font.Superscript = rSuper End If If rSuper Then .Replacement.Font.Superscript = True If fSub <> rSub Then .Font.Subscript = fSub .Replacement.Font.Subscript = rSub End If If rSub Then .Replacement.Font.Subscript = True If fUline <> rUline Then .Font.Underline = fUline .Replacement.Font.Underline = rUline End If If rUline Then .Replacement.Font.Underline = True If fSmall <> rSmall Then .Font.SmallCaps = fSmall .Replacement.Font.SmallCaps = rSmall End If If rSmall Then .Replacement.Font.SmallCaps = True If fAllcaps <> rAllcaps Then .MatchCase = fAllcaps .Font.AllCaps = rAllcaps .Replacement.Font.AllCaps = False End If If rAllcaps Then .MatchCase = False .Replacement.Font.AllCaps = True End If If rDstrike Then .Replacement.Font.StrikeThrough = True If fStyle = rstyle Then If fFont = rFont And fFont <> normalFont Then .Replacement.Font.Name = rFont End If If fFont <> rFont Then .Font.Name = fFont .Replacement.Font.Name = rFont End If If fSize = rSize And fSize <> normalSize Then .Replacement.Font.Size = rSize End If If fSize <> rSize Then .Font.Size = fSize .Replacement.Font.Size = rSize End If End If End If If rHiColour <> fHiColour And fHiColour <> 0 And rText > "" And _ fHiColour > 0 Then .Font.Emboss = True If rText > "" And (rHiColour > 0 Or fHiColour > 0) Then .Replacement.Highlight = True If rHiColour = 0 Then .Replacement.Highlight = False End If If rText > "" Then If rTxtColour = fTxtColour Then If fTxtColour > 0 Then _ .Replacement.Font.Color = fTxtColour Else If rTxtColour > 0 Or fTxtColour > 0 Then .Font.Color = fTxtColour If BlankIt = False Then .Replacement.Font.Color = _ rTxtColour End If End If End If If justEditStrikeText = True Then .Font.StrikeThrough = True Else If editAll = vbNo Then .Font.StrikeThrough = False End If .Font.DoubleStrikeThrough = False .Font.Hidden = False .Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll End With DoEvents If rHiColour <> fHiColour Then rng.Font.Emboss = False End If Next myGo End If Next hit End If Next FRitem StatusBar = "" ' Restore highlight colour to normal Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = oldColour If myError < 7 Or myError > 16 Then thisRng.Select If wasSelectedText Then rngSel.Select totTime = Timer - timeStart If showTime = True And totTime > 60 Then MsgBox ((Int(10 * totTime / 60) / 10) & _ " minutes") Else If doFinalBeep = True Then Beep myTime = Timer Do Loop Until Timer > myTime + 0.2 Beep End If End If ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = myTrack Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub ' Warn the user about problems that the macro has detected myErrorReport: If myError <= 6 Or (myError > 11 And myError < 17) _ Or myError = 95 Then rng.Select Selection.Expand wdParagraph End If Select Case myError Case 2: myPrompt = "No matching replace text" Selection.MoveStart Unit:=wdParagraph, Count:=-1 ' Selection.Expand wdParagraph Case 4: myPrompt = "A 'Count =' line should say 'yes' or 'no'." Case 5: myPrompt = "Sorry, Word can't use ^p in a wildcard search." _ & CR2 & "On Word for Mac, try [^13]." & CR2 _ & "On Word for Windows, try ^13." Case 6: myPrompt = "Sorry, Word can't do case insensitive " & _ "searches with wildcards." Case 13: myPrompt = "A 'Footnotes =' line should say 'yes' or 'no'." Case 14: myPrompt = "An 'Endnotes =' line should say 'yes' or 'no'." Case 15: myPrompt = "A 'Text =' line should say 'yes' or 'no'." Case 16: myPrompt = "A 'Textboxes =' line should say 'yes' or 'no'." Case 17: myPrompt = "You have used an unacceptable ^(something) in a search." Case 19: myPrompt = "Unacceptable pattern match in this F&R line." Case 21: myPrompt = "Can't find a macro called: " & rText Case 22: myPrompt = "More Replace groups than Find groups in wildcard F&R." Case 23: myPrompt = "^? is not a valid special character in wildcard F&R." Case 24: myPrompt = "^ on its own is not a valid character in Replace." Case 25: myPrompt = "The style you are trying to apply does not exist." & CR2 _ & fText & ChrW(124) & rText Case 95: myPrompt = "Sorry, Word can't use ^{ in a search." _ & CR2 & "Use ^94{ instead." Case Else: myPrompt = "Progam error; please inform Paul Bev." End Select thisRng.Select MsgBox myPrompt, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "FRedit" Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = oldColour ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = myTrack theList.Activate Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub ' Errors that Word generates end up here ReportIt: Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' DoMacro call to unknown macro If Err.Number < 0 Then myError = 21: GoTo myErrorReport ' Can't find the files it needs ' If Err.Number = 4248 Then myError = 11: GoTo myErrorReport ' Trying to run FRedit from the Zip file ' If Err.Number = 5941 Then myError = 12: GoTo myErrorReport ' Non-existent style If Err.Number = 5834 Then myError = 25: GoTo myErrorReport errNow = Err.Number ' If we've found the list, select it... theList.Activate Set rng = ActiveDocument.Content ' ... and look for the current line in the list ' which is probably where the problem lies. gottit = False Dim myLine As Single myLine = 1 For j = 1 To ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count myTxt = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(j) If Asc(myTxt) <> Asc("|") And Len(myTxt) > 2 Then If InStr(myTxt, "|") > 0 Then myLine = myLine + 1 Else myLine = myLine + 0.5 End If End If If myLine > FRitem Then Exit For Next j ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(j).Range.Select If Err.Number = 5625 Or Err.Number = 5692 Then myError = 17 GoTo myErrorReport End If If errNow = 5560 Then myError = 19 GoTo myErrorReport End If If errNow = 5560 Or errNow = 5590 Then myError = 19 GoTo myErrorReport End If ' Wildcard error - too many groups If errNow = 5623 Then myError = 22: GoTo myErrorReport If errNow = 5692 Then myError = 23: GoTo myErrorReport If errNow = 5624 Then myError = 24: GoTo myErrorReport ' Display Word's error message Application.ScreenUpdating = True On Error GoTo 0 Resume End Sub