Sub MultiSwitch() ' Paul Beverley - Version 24.07.24 ' Scripted word/phrase switching maxWords = 5 myListName = "zzSwitchList.docx" commentNearCheck = True ' Set min number of chars for an abbreviation minChars = 3 includeApostrophe = True linksOFF = True addMarkerInList = True notTheseChars = ",!?.)>] " ' If you want to load the SwitchList file automatically... ' then... ' On a Mac, you will need something like this: myList = "/Users/Paul/My Documents/Macro stuff/zzSwitchList.docx" ' On Windows, you will need something like this: myList = "C:\Documents and Settings\Paul\My Documents\zzSwitchList.docx" CR = vbCr CR2 = CR & CR Dim myStr(20) As String Dim endStr(20) As Long On Error GoTo ReportIt Set theDoc = ActiveDocument ' Just in case they are using "smart" cut/paste option mySmartOpt = Options.SmartCutPaste Options.SmartCutPaste = False nowSearch = Selection.Find.Text ' Read the context, noting if the word is selected wasSelected = (Selection.End > Selection.start) If wasSelected = True Then maxWords = 1 myTest = Selection.Text If Asc(myTest) = 13 Then Selection.MoveLeft , 1 If InStr(notTheseChars, myTest) > 0 Then Selection.MoveLeft , 1 Selection.Expand wdWord Do While InStr(ChrW(8217) & "' ", Right(Selection.Text, 1)) > 0 Selection.MoveEnd , -1 DoEvents Loop okChars = ".,;:" & Chr(11) & vbCr & ChrW(8211) & ChrW(8212) & ChrW(8221) If InStr(okChars, Left(Selection, 1)) > 0 Then Selection.Collapse wdCollapseStart Selection.MoveLeft , 1 Selection.Expand wdWord End If isAbbrev = Not (Len(Selection) > minChars) startNow = Selection.start Set startRng = Selection.Range.Duplicate iMax = maxWords Set rng = Selection.Range.Duplicate rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart rng.MoveEnd Unit:=wdWord, Count:=maxWords numTCs = rng.Revisions.Count If numTCs > 0 Then rng.Revisions.AcceptAll rng.MoveEnd Unit:=wdWord, Count:=maxWords End If wdsLeft = rng.Words.Count If maxWords > wdsLeft Then maxWords = wdsLeft If Asc(rng.Words(wdsLeft)) = 13 Then maxWords = maxWords - 1 For i = 1 To maxWords endStr(i) = rng.Words(i).End If rng.Words(i) = vbCr Then maxWords = i - 1 Exit For End If Debug.Print "|" & rng.Text & "|" If Right(rng.Words(i), 1) = " " Then endStr(i) = endStr(i) - 1 myStr(i) = Trim(Left(rng, endStr(i) - rng.start)) DoEvents Next i If numTCs > 0 Then WordBasic.EditUndo Selection.Collapse wdCollapseStart iMax = maxWords gottaList = False For Each myDoc In Application.Documents thisName = myDoc.Name If thisName = myListName Then Set theList = Documents(myListName) gottaList = True Exit For End If Next myDoc ' Find the zzSwitchList file If gottaList = False Then Documents.Open fileName:=myList Set theList = ActiveDocument theDoc.Activate End If Set rng = theList.Content ' Check if list has LFs With rng.Find .ClearFormatting .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Text = ChrW(11) .Replacement.Text = "" .Execute DoEvents If .Found = True Then Beep rng.start = rng.start - 1 rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart rng.Expand wdWord rng.HighlightColorIndex = wdYellow rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd rng.Select MsgBox "The switch list must use paragraphs, not line breaks!" ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.ShowAll = True rng.Find.Text = nowSearch Exit Sub End If End With ' Just in case the switch list has any URLs If linksOFF = True Then rng.Fields.Unlink End If lastTwo = Right(rng, 2) If lastTwo <> CR2 Then rng.InsertAfter Text:=CR2 rng.start = 0 rng.End = theList.Content.End ' Try to locate the selected text in the switch list allWords = rng.Text lfPos = InStr(allWords, ChrW(11)) If lfPos > 0 Then rng.start = lfPos - 2 rng.End = lfPos + 1 rng.Select Beep Application.Run "ShowFormatting" MsgBox "The switch list must use paragraphs, not line breaks!" Options.SmartCutPaste = mySmartOpt Selection.Find.Text = nowSearch Exit Sub End If For i = iMax To 1 Step -1 myPos = InStr(allWords, CR2 & Replace(myStr(i), CR, "") & CR) If myPos > 0 Then allWords = Mid(allWords, myPos + 1) gottaMatch = True numWords = i 'Display the options numAlts = 1 endPos = InStr(allWords, CR2) allWords = Left(allWords, endPos + 2) altText = Split(allWords, Chr(13)) j = 0 Do j = j + 1 Loop Until Len(altText(j)) = 0 Or j = 20 numAlts = j - 2 ' We now have j = number of options ' altText contains all numAlts texts Exit For Else gottaMatch = False End If Next i ' If it's not found at all, give up If gottaMatch = False Then myWd = myStr(1) Do With rng.Find .ClearFormatting .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Text = "^p^p" & myWd .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Replacement.Text = "" .Forward = True .MatchCase = True .MatchWildcards = False .Execute .MatchCase = False End With If Len(myWd) > 1 Then myWd = Left(myWd, Len(myWd) - 1) Loop Until rng.Find.Found = True Or Len(myWd) = 1 rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart rng.Select Beep myTime = Timer Do Loop Until Timer > myTime + 0.2 Beep Options.SmartCutPaste = mySmartOpt Selection.Find.Text = nowSearch myPrompt = "Can't find """ & myStr(1) & """" myResponse = MsgBox(myPrompt, vbOKOnly, "MultiSwitch") theDoc.Activate Exit Sub End If 'Offer j optional texts to the user If numAlts > 1 And wasSelected = False Then For i = 1 To numAlts myPrompt = myPrompt & i & ": " & altText(i + 1) & CR Next Beep myResponse = InputBox(myPrompt, "MultiSwitch") myChoice = Val(myResponse) If myChoice > numAlts Or myChoice = 0 Then Options.SmartCutPaste = mySmartOpt Selection.Find.Text = nowSearch Exit Sub End If Else myChoice = 1 End If rng.start = myPos + 2 rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart rng.Expand wdParagraph For i = 1 To myChoice rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd rng.Expand wdParagraph Next i ' Copy chosen line (check first for format change symbol) useFormat = False rng.MoveEnd , -1 myNewItem = rng Dim gotFormat As Boolean gotFormat = rng.Font.Bold Or rng.Font.Italic Or rng.Font.SmallCaps _ Or rng.Font.Underline Or rng.Font.Superscript Or rng.Font.Subscript _ Or rng.InlineShapes.Count > 0 If AscW(rng) = 172 Or gotFormat Then useFormat = True If AscW(rng) = 172 Then rng.MoveStart , 1 rng.Copy End If noTrack = (rng.Font.StrikeThrough) startRng.Select Selection.End = endStr(numWords) ' Check if too near to a comment If Selection.Information(wdInCommentPane) = 0 And _ Selection.Information(wdInFootnote) = 0 And _ Selection.Information(wdInEndnote) = 0 Then numCmts = ActiveDocument.Comments.Count If numCmts > 0 And commentNearCheck = True Then ' Find scope of (range covered by) the next comment Set rng = Selection.Range.Duplicate rng.Collapse wdCollapseStart rng.start = 0 cmtNumber = rng.Comments.Count + 1 If cmtNumber <= numCmts Then Set nextCmtRange = ActiveDocument.Comments(cmtNumber).Scope ' Does the scope of that comment overlap the current word? Set rng = Selection.Range.Duplicate rng.Expand wdWord If rng.End > nextCmtRange.start Then Beep rng.Select myResponse = MsgBox("Selection contains a comment. Word might crash!" _ & CR2 & "Please use a manual change.", _ vbOKOnly, "MultiSwitch") Options.SmartCutPaste = mySmartOpt Selection.Find.Text = nowSearch Exit Sub End If End If End If End If myTrack = ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions myState = ActiveWindow.View.ShowInsertionsAndDeletions If noTrack Then ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = False If useFormat = True Then Selection.Delete Selection.Paste Else Selection.Text = myNewItem End If Selection.start = startNow textEnd = Selection.End If InStr(Selection, "^p") > 0 Then numCRs = 0 oldFind = Selection.Find.Text With Selection.Find .ClearFormatting .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Text = "^^p" .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Replacement.Text = "" .Forward = True .MatchCase = False .MatchWildcards = False .Execute End With Do While Selection.Find.Found = True And Selection.start < textEnd Selection.TypeText Text:=vbCr Selection.Find.Execute numCRs = numCRs + 1 Loop Selection.start = startNow Selection.End = textEnd - numCRs Selection.Find.Text = oldFind End If If InStr(Selection, "^t") > 0 Then numTabs = 0 oldFind = Selection.Find.Text With Selection.Find .ClearFormatting .Replacement.ClearFormatting .Text = "^^t" .Wrap = wdFindContinue .Replacement.Text = "" .Forward = True .MatchCase = False .MatchWildcards = False .Execute End With Do While Selection.Find.Found = True And Selection.start < textEnd Selection.TypeText Text:=vbTab Selection.Find.Execute numTabs = numTabs + 1 Loop Selection.start = startNow Selection.End = textEnd - numCRs - numTabs Selection.Find.Text = oldFind End If If Asc(Selection) = Asc("!") Then myLen = Len(Selection) Selection.End = Selection.start + 1 Selection.start = Selection.start - 1 Selection.Delete Selection.MoveEnd , myLen - 1 End If tildePos = InStr(Selection, "~") Selection.Font.StrikeThrough = False If tildePos = 0 Then If isAbbrev = True Then Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd Else Selection.Collapse wdCollapseStart End If Else Do While InStr(Selection, "~") > 0 Selection.MoveEnd , -1 DoEvents Loop Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd Selection.MoveEnd 1 Selection.Delete End If If addOriginal = True Then Selection.Expand wdWord Do While InStr(ChrW(8217) & "' ", Right(Selection.Text, 1)) > 0 Selection.MoveEnd , -1 DoEvents Loop Selection.Collapse wdCollapseEnd Selection.TypeText Text:=" (" & myStr(1) & ")" End If If noTrack Then ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = myTrack ActiveWindow.View.ShowInsertionsAndDeletions = myState End If Options.SmartCutPaste = mySmartOpt Selection.Find.Text = "^p^p" & myStr(1) Exit Sub ReportIt: myErr = Err.Number If myErr = 4160 Then DoEvents gottaList = False Resume Next Else If myErr = 5174 Then Beep myPrompt = "Please open your switch list file: " & myListName _ & CR2 & CR & "I did try looking for file: " & CR2 & myList myResponse = MsgBox(myPrompt, vbQuestion + vbOKOnly, "MultiSwitch") Exit Sub End If DoEvents Resume End If End Sub